An online programme for those delivering Prayer & Liturgy in Catholic Schools
A programme of modular, mini-courses.
Each module in the Teach Us To Pray series is a concise, stand-alone, mini course covering a different aspect of prayer and liturgy in the context of a Catholic school.
"Jesus was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray..." { Luke 11:1 }

Exactly what we need
Does exactly what we need it to do and in such an accessible way. Full of fab tips and tricks for the uninitiated (and perhaps for those who think they already are!)
Very polished, professionally put together... strikes the perfect balance between what we need to be told and an informal, confident but accessible style.
Sarah Barreto, Deputy Director
So polished
"It looks so polished! I love the questions for reflection at the end of each video as I think these will be useful talking points for whole staff discussion."
Anna Potter, RE Lead
Authentic and High Quality
"The Catholic Education Service has long valued Jo’s excellent work in supporting dioceses and schools in providing authentic and high quality prayer and liturgy experiences for children and young adults.
This resource will be of enormous benefit in helping schools respond to the requirements of the forthcoming Prayer and Liturgy Directory..."
Philip Robinson, RE Advisor
Pre-Order today and Save 25%
Two modules for just £300 £225
The beta version of the first module is almost complete and available for instant access. Each module in the series is a concise, stand-alone, mini course which will, in future, be individually priced from £225 each. By pre-ordering now, you will also get the beta version of module two, and automatically receive the updated, final version of both modules when they are released. If you order only Module One, you will not get access to Module Two until it is available at a stand-alone, pre-order price.
Get the two module pre-order bundle and become become a Partner School.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a 'Beta' version?
How will I get access to the programme?
What’s included in the pre-order bundle?
What’s a Partner School?
When does the pre-order offer end?
Is the programme suitable for both primary and secondary?
Can access be shared with schools in our MAC or Trust?
Can I be invoiced and pay by BACS or cheque instead of card?
How long will I have access to the modules after purchase?