£225 exc. VAT

Licence Agreement

Schools Licence
This license is a contract between your school, parish or organisation and Mustard Seeds. The license gives your school, parish or organisation access to the 'Mustard Seeds Lent Series' Video Resources.

This license gives your school, parish or organisation ongoing use of the materials without the need to renew.

By holding this licence you agree to only use the Mustard Seeds materials for your school, parish or organisation. You will ensure that no materials are shared further afield. You agree that this licence enables only your specific school, parish or organisation to access and use the materials. You will ensure that no materials are shared further afield. You agree that this license enables only your specific school to access and use the materials.

This license enables the purchasing school, parish or organisation to download and store the materials on their secure server so that staff members can use the materials.

Your school, parish or organisation is responsible in ensuring that all staff know the sharing boundaries of the materials.

By proceeding with the purchase and downloading these resources you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions and will abide by the terms of this licence.

Mustard Seeds Big Questions Series One - Lent Bundle

Complete checkout for instant access...

The 8-part Lent video series bundled with Big Questions Series One.


NB. The email address that is used for your order will become part of the login for your account. If your school has an existing LITURGY BOX account, please order using the email address for that existing account.