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Mustard Seeds Big Questions Series 1

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An innovative discussion series exploring Big Questions of Faith and Church teaching.

Big Questions encourages the sharing of opinions and viewpoints whilst gently re-affirming the Church’s teaching.

  • Episode 1 - Does Praying Achieve Anything?
    Why do we need to pray? Can we be certain that our prayers are heard? And does it make any difference to the life we lead?

  • Episode 2 - “Do I need to go to Confession? Can’t I just tell God that I’m sorry?
    Very few of us actually ENJOY the process of going to Confession, but most of those that do go will speak of the benefits they feel they receive as a result.

  • Episode 3 -“Do Miracles Still Happen?”
    We can read about the miracles that Jesus and the apostles carried out in the Bible, but are they a thing of the past? Do we believe that miracles still happen today?

Each episode is split into 3 bite-sized sections, allowing viewers time to reflect on what they’ve seen and heard and enabling teachers to involve their pupils in the discussion.  

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What People Are Saying:

An amazing and powerful presentation. Shows the Church is listening to and taking young people seriously. Very much in the spirit of Pope Francis: grappling with the big question is better than just giving people the answer.

Mgr Tim Menezes – Dean of St Chad’s Cathedral