A four-part series exploring the themes and meaning of the season of Advent.


A great resource for Religious Education and catechesis with young people, in the classroom and beyond... (Year 5 through to Year 9)


Exploring the Season of Advent...

The series of 4 films (each 7-9 minutes duration) develop ideas from the Sunday Gospels in Advent to unpack themes of hope, expectation, joy, consumerism and even mince pies.


This series is accompanied by 4 short Liturgical Prayer videos, as Jo Boyce from CJM MUSIC leads a 4-5 minute Gospel reading, reflection and song for each week of Advent.

Jo Boyce - Week 4
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Easy, online access.

Mustard Seeds has partnered with CJM MUSIC to make this great educational video content available via their LITURGY BOX online platform. So now you can access Mustard Seeds videos conveniently alongside the other RE, prayer, music and liturgy resources created by Jo Boyce and the team from CJM MUSIC

ORDER NOW ~ £100